How Much Does It Cost to Set Up a News Site?

Apr 23, 2023 | Content Marketing

The low cost of a 5 year domain name and a small dose of the average hosting fee seems attractive and affordable to most of us. So we are under the illusion that a news site can be set up in a few days.

We are aware that news sites have dozens of main and sub categories in terms of depth, and our intention is to own a news site, but how many people will our team consist of? Since a news site that is expected to provide a 24/7 service will also have agency subscriptions, it is necessary to record this as an expense item.

In the scenario where you have a team of 6 new graduates who are willing to work for minimum wage for at least the first year, the most serious cost item is employees. You should also have an experienced editor who will determine your editorial line so that he/she can manage your news site. There are 7 of us, congratulations!

If all goes well, as the ridiculous shared hosting will not be enough, our office has grown by one person with a standalone server and an IT specialist who understands server work.

When you consider the office, office expenses, legal and financial support, digital marketing & design identity work and the budgets that need to be allocated for this, it seems like the end of the rope is out of our hands, but these are the minimum requirements to do the job properly.

If you say “I am a single person, let me open a news site (!), I will post 10-12 news items a day”, this is called a personal blog, not a “news site”.

The main idea in this article is “content”.

All the other burdens, including agency subscriptions, can be solved to some extent with investors, but you have to be able to produce quality and original content, what we call scoop news, and stand out from the crowd. Will you be able to do it?

Many of us are trying to make a micro-income by setting up a news site, but at this point there are those who sell themes for news sites, hosting companies, so-called SEO experts and under-the-table writers who claim to be editors.

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